Finger Lakes

If traveling in this area during the winter months, be aware that heavy snowfalls are possible. Lake effect snow has been known to drop four feet of snow in a weekend, or more. It is not unusual during heavy storms for it to come down at a rate of one inch per hour.

Watch out for slow-moving Amish/Mennonite horsedrawn vehicles on rural roads.

When visiting state parks with trails to waterfalls or gorges, obey all posted signs. Do not swim or wade in creeks or plunge pools. Be aware that some trails require lengthy stair climbs that small children, elderly people or pets may not be able to handle signs at parks will not always warn you of this.


Cayuga County

Cortland County northwest corner

Livingston County

Monroe County

Onondaga County southwest portion

Ontario County

Seneca County

Schuyler County

Steuben County northern portion

Tompkins County

Yates County

Wayne County


English is universal in this region, with the dialect resembling that of the Midwest more than New York City or New England. Small pockets of German-speakers, mostly the older generation, can still be found. Place names are heavily influenced by Iroquois languages; some are veritable tongue-twisters. Give pronunciation your best shot and you'll get a friendly correction, if needed.